Our church is grounded in the values exemplified graciously by our Lord Jesus Christ, the example we strive to live by day after day.
Embracing the following marks us as a community of Christ:
The church should be led by people with leadership gifts. We believe that to be a healthy church, good servant leadership is required. Such leaders are called and gifted by God, have a heart for people, a passion for God and His Word and a vision for the church and this world.
The church grows as each use their gifts to serve others. We believe that the church is a body and only functions and grows effectively when all members serve according to their gifts in an attitude of interdependence. We also believe that it is the responsibility of the church to equip, empower and release each member into effective service for God.
We believe Christ is central to history, life and the church. All of history is focused on Christ and finds its meaning in Him, His Lordship and His work. The church is called to continue the work of Christ through His continued presence with us by the Spirit. Therefore, the church, like Christ, is called to a sacrificial work of dying to self in order to exalt others and bring them into a relationship with God. We believe the church does not exist for itself but ultimately to glorify God through the giving of itself for the world and its dependence on God by the work of the Spirit in us.
We are called to live grace filled, humble lives of integrity before our God. We believe we exist only because of, and in, God’s grace. As a church and as individuals we claim no rights, power, or control, but seek to serve God as Christ did – in humility with a servant heart, extending grace to each other and to the world. This includes a life of worshipful response to God of: devotion, learning, godly character, honesty, stewardship, service, love, prayer and praise.
Community nurtures us and reflects Christ. We believe in the importance of being a loving community that reflects Christ to the world. We also believe that church community provides the best environment for personal growth and care, and effective team ministry.
Worship is our daily response to God for who He is and what He has done. We believe that God is the God of the big picture, moving us from creation to heaven through what He has done in history through Christ. By having an understanding of our place in His big picture, by remembering what He has already done in the past (through the taking of the Lord’s Supper), by acknowledging His presence with us today, and by anticipating what is to come, we can respond to Him in worship through offering our: thanksgiving, praise, service, humility, prayer, reverence, awe, excellence, and creativity – our very lives.
Prayer is an encounter with God which touches, unifies and transforms us. Prayer is essential to all that we are and do. It is the way in which we express our dependence on God, bring our praise and thanksgiving to God, the way we can discern His will and bring our requests to Him. As we communicate with God and seek His will we find his heart together and are conformed to it. Prayer changes us. We need to live with a constant attitude of prayer, walking with God as if He were there – which He is.
Teaching transforms by the work of the Spirit. We believe in the primacy of Christ-centred teaching and preaching, in its many contexts, to be the means through which the power of the Spirit proclaims Christ to the world, transforms our lives to become like Christ, and prepares the church for service. We believe all are called to a life of spiritual growth through: personal study of God’s word, community interaction, mentoring and discipleship.
We believe we have the urgent responsibility to share the hope of the gospel with the world. The church is God’s instrument to reflect His love and message of hope to this hurting and broken world. This is accomplished by having a social and spiritual concern for the unsaved, expressed through personal and church outreach and church planting.