We welcome your requests, whether for a pastoral visit or to pray for you as a church as friends, and as brothers and sisters in God’s family.
Each week we gather for regular worship, communion, prayer and a sermon from God’s word, Sundays at 10:00am. Our services are offered in a relaxed setting.
As each member uses their gifts to serve others, the church grows. We invite you to join us - whether you are just visiting, or have lived here for years.
Church Services
We meet Sundays at 10:00AM for worship, communion, sharing in the teaching of the Bible and for the children Sunday School activities. We also offer activities and resources to support and empower our members - ranging from youth to families and the elderly – in the service of Jesus Christ through growth, belonging and friendship.
Chat & Craft - Tuesdays, 1:00 to 4:00PM Contact Leonie - 0439 280 378
Men’s Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM at the Church. Contact Peter Rolley - 0417 919 301
Mixed Bible Study - Thursdays at 1:00 PM at the Church. Contact Peter Rolley - 0417 919 301 (No Thursday Study until the new year)
Women's Bible Study Groups - in homes:- Contact Adrianne - 9761 2211